Monday, 22 April 2013

Photo Challenge - Week 1

So week 1 of my 52 week challenge is off to a good start...this is a view from Daviot Woods overlooking Inverness. I took 3 separate shots and then merged them together in Photoshop to create a lovely panoramic scene. I made some small adjustments to lighten the foreground as it had been slightly underexposed to compensate for the light sky. I could have taken two separate exposures - one for the sky and one for the foreground - and then layered them on top of each other in Photoshop, but I think this way has worked fairly well. 

So now week 1 is complete it's onto week 2...

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

52 Week Photo Challenge

As another incentive to encourage me to keep up my creativity, I have set myself the challenge of taking a photo a week for the next year. I initially thought of doing a 'photo-a-day' challenge, but decided that a 'photo-a-week' was more realistic. By giving myself a whole week for each shot, I am likely to produce better photographs as I will have more time to think, plan and shoot my images. So I will hopefully be satisfied with the results and, if nothing else, will have gained extra experience and improved my portfolio.

So here goes...wish me luck! 

Saturday, 13 April 2013



Welcome to my new blog. I am a young photographer based in the Highlands of Scotland. I mainly enjoy photographing landscapes and still life shots, but am always open to new challenges. My aim is to regularly post new images on my blog, both to encourage me to keep working on new material and to share my pictures with the world! I hope you like what you see, feel free to leave me comments and constructive criticism. I am always looking for tips and advice from those more experienced than me, so if you would like to share any of your pearls of wisdom that would be most appreciated!

Thanks for visiting!